WDO Activities & Programs

Women Development Organization Holds Virtual Seminar on Women's Rights in Land Ownership, Inheritance, and Guardianship

Women Development Organization Holds Virtual Seminar on Women's Rights in Land Ownership, Inheritance, and Guardianship

Cairo, June 24, 2024 - The Women Development Organization held an important virtual seminar on Monday, June 24, 2024, titled "Women's Rights in Land Ownership, Inheritance, and Guardianship in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)". The seminar featured distinguished participation from H.E. Prof. Kotoub Mustafa Sano - Secretary-General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, H.E. Dr. Abbas Abdullah Shoman - Secretary-General of the Council of Senior Scholars at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and Her Excellency Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby - Executive Director of the Women's Development Organization.

 The seminar focused on the importance of women's rights in the areas of land ownership, inheritance, and guardianship, within the framework of women's economic empowerment and financial inclusion.

 The participants in the seminar discussed the legislative and social challenges facing women in a number of OIC member states, where social norms and traditions impede the implementation of laws that allow women to own land. The seminar also addressed the importance of the Islamic perspective in supporting women's rights, and pointed out that Islamic texts provide clear guidance to ensure women's legitimate rights, but cultural interpretations and customary practices often deviate from these principles

In her opening remarks, H.E Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby emphasized the importance of enhancing the status of women and girls in the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) through programs and initiatives focusing on economic empowerment, financial inclusion, education, health, fighting corruption and violence, and political participation. Dr. Alshuaiby explained that "Women in OIC member states face several challenges in land ownership, inheritance, and guardianship, despite the religious texts that guarantee their rights. Unfortunately, cultural interpretations and customary practices often deviate from these principles, creating significant challenges for women in various fields, particularly social and economic."

 The seminar concluded with a set of practical recommendations to support the policies of OIC member states, aiming to enhance women's access to productive resources, empower them in decision-making, and ensure their legal protection. The most prominent recommendations included: updating national laws in OIC member states to ensure women's rights in land ownership, inheritance, and guardianship in line with religious texts; raising awareness about the importance of having independent finances for women; enhancing literacy and legal awareness among women and encouraging them to claim their rights through awareness and education programs; supporting community and civil society initiatives that aim to change cultural practices that hinder women's rights; encouraging cooperation between religious and legal institutions to strengthen women's rights in society; and implementing comprehensive legal reforms that consider international recommendations on women's rights in inheritance and guardianship.

To achieve comprehensive awareness about women's rights in land ownership, inheritance, and guardianship, we call for collaborations among relevant organizations and institutions. By organizing interactive conferences and workshops targeting all segments of civil society and rural communities, we can spread awareness about the importance of making knowledge-based decisions. The participation of all members of society in these initiatives will contribute to establishing a culture of enlightened awareness and ensuring the sustainability of its positive impact.

The Women Development Organization also reaffirmed its continued commitment to supporting women's rights and enhancing their position in society through initiatives and programs aimed at empowering them in all areas.

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