The Ministerial Council
The Council of Ministers is composed of the ministers in charge of women in the Member States or their representatives or with similar capacities and is chaired by one of the Ministers. The Council convenes periodically once every two years and may be called to convene in an extraordinary session upon the request of one of the Member States and the approval of one-third of the Members. The Council defines the general policies of the Organization.
The Executive Bureau
The Executive bureau is composed of the current chairperson of the Council, the previous and subsequent chairs, the rapporteur, and the representative of the State of Palestine. The main functions of the Bureau include preparing and organizing the Council’s meetings, facilitating the transparent decision-making process, and encouraging dialogue. Also, it can shed light on issues and recommendations that require the Council's consideration and action.

The Executive Director
The Executive Director is responsible for managing the affairs of the Organization by implementing and following up on the policies and resolutions of the Council and implementing the programs, plans, and projects approved by the Council.
The Executive Secretariat
It constitutes the executive body of the Organization that assumes the tasks and responsibilities assigned to it by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Statute and within the framework of the work plans decided by the Council. It provides the necessary logistical, technical, and informational assistance for the Council's exercise of its functions and its authority to take the necessary decisions in accordance with the provisions of the organization's statute regarding the achievement of the objectives set forth in the Council's work plan