About WDO

Women Development Organization

The Women Development Organization (WDO) is a specialized intergovernmental organization and one of the specialized institutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

The history of the establishment of WDO spearheaded by the Arab Republic of Egypt, dates as far back as 2005, with High-Level Intra-OIC consultations and the adoption of its statute in 2010 and entering into force in 2020. Its activities were initiated with the inauguration of its Headquarters (HQ) in Cairo, in the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2021.

WDO is the center of the gender equality architecture of the OIC. It has a quadruple mandate encompassing normative support and policy work, advocacy and outreach, coordination, and operational activities. WDO is concerned with developing and strengthening the role of women and girls in society with the aim of empowering, integrating, and supporting women and girls in the political, social, educational, cultural, and economic fields. Currently, WDO has 19 member states and is anticipating more OIC member states to join the organization.

WDO Mandate

WDO has a quadruple mandate that encompasses normative support and policy work, advocacy and outreach, coordination, and operational activities.



WDO Thematic Areas

Women Economic Empowerment

One of the mandates of WDO is to support member states in their efforts to achieve women’s economic empowerment and financial Inclusion through a wide range of strategies and programs.

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Ending Violence Against Women

WDO aims to carry out interventions aimed at addressing violence against women throughout their life cycle and harmful practices including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage

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Role of Women Fighting Corruption

Corruption is not gender neutral and affects men and women differently. Women make up the majority of the world’s poor and are particularly vulnerable as they often face social, cultural, political and ...

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Women’s in Promoting Inclusive Societies

Peace is the bedrock of societal progress and women since time immemorial have played a leading role in building social cohesion within their communities. However, cumulated socio-economic challenges ...

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WDO Objectives

WDO Objectives

Highlight the role of Islam in preserving the rights of Muslim women, especially at the international fora in which the Organization is involved.
Develop plans, programs, and projects necessary to implement policies, orientations, and decisions of the OIC in the area of women’s development, welfare, and empowerment in Member States’ societies.
Organize conferences, symposia, workshops, and meetings in the area of women’s development in the Member States.
Conduct courses and training programs aimed at strengthening and building capacity, skills, and competencies in the area of women’s development and empowering them to discharge their mission in the family and society.
Support and encourage national efforts in Member States to develop human resources in the area of women’s development.
Organize activities aimed at upgrading the role of women and ensuring women’s full rights in Member States’ societies, in line with the Charter and the decisions
Carry out studies to enhance the role of women in Member States.
Activate the rights of women enshrined in the OIC Charter by working to remove the restrictions that will enable women to participate in community building.
Suggest ways and methods of society’s support for women.
Establish an information network that will enable Member States to identify experiences and practices regarding women, including cooperation with civil society.
Highlight the role of Islam in preserving the rights of Muslim women, especially at the international fora in which the Organization is involved.
Develop plans, programs, and projects necessary to implement policies, orientations, and decisions of the OIC in the area of women’s development, welfare, and empowerment in Member States’ societies.
Organize conferences, symposia, workshops, and meetings in the area of women’s development in the Member States.
Conduct courses and training programs aimed at strengthening and building capacity, skills, and competencies in the area of women’s development and empowering them to discharge their mission in the family and society.
Support and encourage national efforts in Member States to develop human resources in the area of women’s development.
Organize activities aimed at upgrading the role of women and ensuring women’s full rights in Member States’ societies, in line with the Charter and the decisions
Carry out studies to enhance the role of women in Member States.
Activate the rights of women enshrined in the OIC Charter by working to remove the restrictions that will enable women to participate in community building.
Suggest ways and methods of society’s support for women.
Establish an information network that will enable Member States to identify experiences and practices regarding women, including cooperation with civil society.

WDO Socials

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