WDO News

WDO’s Symposium Highlights Resilience and Challenges Faced by Palestinian Women

WDO’s Symposium Highlights Resilience and Challenges Faced by Palestinian Women

The Women Development Organization (WDO)’s virtual symposium, “Palestinian Women and Girls: Challenges and Resilience,” successfully brought together a distinguished group of experts and policymakers to address the pressing issues faced by Palestinian women and girls.

The virtual symposium, held on the 12th of August, provided a platform for in-depth discussions on the impact of the ongoing conflict on the lives of Palestinian women and girls. Participants explored a wide range of topics, including the daily challenges faced in the occupied territories, the need for post-war initiatives, and the crucial role of international solidarity in supporting Palestinian women’s rights. The symposium also highlighted programs aimed at empowering Palestinian women in the fields of economics, society, and politics.

During her opening remarks, Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, Executive Director of WDO, highlighted WDO’s work in empowering and developing women's capacities to build peace and create societies free from war. H.E. has also pointed out that Palestinian women live under exceptional circumstances marked by hardship due to the ongoing conflict and occupation. Highlighting that Palestinian women are a symbol of resilience and defiance, playing a pivotal role in Palestinian society as mothers, educators, and workers.

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation H.E. Mr. Hussien Brahim Taha has emphasized during his statement the unwavering support of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including their right of return, self-determination, and the establishment of their sovereign state on the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and H.E. called for increased support for efforts aimed at defending and protecting Palestinian women, enhancing their resilience, empowering them to exercise their rights, and holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its ongoing violations against them within the framework of international justice.

Her Excellency Ms. Mona Al-Khalili, Palestinian Minister of Women’s Affairs, emphasized the importance of supporting the Palestinian Ministry of Women's Affairs and women organizations in their call for the Security Council to swiftly issue a resolution on 'Women under Occupation' and meeting the needs of Palestinian women and involving them in all aspects of relief and development operations.

During the symposium UN Women Regional Director, Moez Doraid, and UNRWA Chief Officer of Cairo, Sahar Al-Jobury highlighted their commitment to supporting Palestinian women and girls amid severe challenges. Both organizations are committed to adapting their strategies, ensuring the protection and empowerment of women and girls amidst the ongoing adversity.

The Secretary General of the Arab Lawyers Union Al-Mekkawi Bineissa highlighted the importance of promoting Palestinian women’s social, economic, and political rights and the importance of adopting a resolution that protects Palestinian women in the Security Council and concluded with asserting the Union’s commitment to defending the Palestinian cause.

Ambassador Ali Goutali, Director of Palestine and al-Quds Affairs in the OIC highlighted during his intervention the work that OIC does in the process of empowering Palestinian women and girls. He specifically addressed the role of the Joint Islamic-Arab Committee and the organization's resolutions in support of the Palestinian people in general and Palestinian women in particular.

The symposium concluded with a presentation from the Director of Strategic Partnerships of WDO, Dr. Hanan AlGaai, introducing WDO’s upcoming flagship report on Palestinian women and girls. Participants concluded the symposium with a call for increased international support for Palestinian women and girls, as well as a commitment from participants to work together towards a more equitable and just future. She has called upon organizations affiliated with and independent of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to dedicate a portion of their agendas to resolutions specifically addressing the needs of Palestinian women and girls, each according to their own area of expertise. It was suggested that follow-up committees be formed from these organizations to monitor the outcomes of these resolutions and to involve regional and international organizations and institutions to contribute alongside WDO in achieving this goal.

WDO will continue to raise awareness about the challenges faced by Palestinian women and girls and work to develop their capacities. A comprehensive recommendations paper outlining the symposium's key findings will be disseminated next week.


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