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WDO’s Executive Director Gives a Statement During a Roundtable Discussion in Uzbekistan on Expanding the Role of Women in Socio-Political Life and Economic Opportunities

Tashkent - Thursday, July 6th, 2023– WDO’s Executive Director, H.E. Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby gave a statement in a roundtable discussion during the “New Uzbekistan: A Bridge Connecting the Regions” event, that took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on July 6th, 2023. The roundtable discussion was on expanding the role of women and girls in socio-political life and economic opportunities.

During her statement, Dr. Alshuaiby discussed The Republic of Uzbekistan’s experience in supporting women and the reforms done in entrepreneurship, education, and political participation.

“Financial independence and economic empowerment are at the heart of true empowerment of women. They are what make women active members of society that could later participate in all domains and aspects of life, including the political life,” stated Dr. Alshuaiby.

Dr. Alshuaiby also highlighted that she’s looking forward to future collaborations between WDO and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan including a potential international forum on women that is set to take place in the upcoming months.

The roundtable discussion was moderated by Lord Wharton, former Minister of Culture and International Affairs of the United Kingdom. The roundtable also consisted of H.E. Zulayho Mahkamova, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Ensiye Hazali, Vice President for Women and Family Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E Ridvan Duran, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services of Turkey, Anna Chan, Political Director of the International Federation of Women’s Production and Trade in Singapore, Gavhar Alimova, Senator and Mayor of the City of Kattakorgan of Samarkand Region, and Roza Akhamadiyeva the Rector of Kazan State University of Culture in Russia.


July 6th. Roundtable event. Pictured are HE Ozoda Parpibaeva the chairperson of the Committee of Family and Women, ED, and HE Zulayho Makkamova, the deputy prime minister


Roundtable 2



Roundtable 3


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