WDO News

Executive Director of WDO, Meets with the Secretary-General of the International Council for Arabic Language

Executive Director of WDO, Meets with the Secretary-General of the International Council for Arabic Language

H.E. Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, Executive Director of WDO, met with H.E. Dr. Ali bin Abdullah bin Musa, Secretary-General of the International Council for Arabic Language in the Organization’s Headquarters in Cairo. Both parties discussed ways to strengthen joint cooperation in empowering women and promoting the Arabic language. They agreed on the importance of utilizing women's expertise and capabilities in various fields to serve the Arabic language, especially in light of the challenges it faces in the current era. They have also discussed preparations for the upcoming International Arabic Language Conference. The conference aims to highlight women's role in preserving the Arabic language. Both parties emphasized the importance of active women's participation in the conference to provide insights and develop plans to protect and enhance the status of the Arabic language.

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